Yoga - for me? Yes you!
Yoga for the People!
That's right: for YOU!
Price: Purchase a Class Pack , The Whole Pregnancy YogaPlan or The Postpartum Year Yoga Plan
$15/ drop-in
Here’s what I want for you: to feel relief, to feel ease, to breathe, to find a balm for your weary mind and your tender heart. There are poses, yes, and this practice is about tending ALL of you. Expect to be honored and nurtured.
Our Yoga Circle
...:::a chance for pre-and postnatal mommas to find a moment to relax in community:::...
Price: Purchase a Class Pack , The Whole Pregnancy YogaPlan or The Postpartum Year Yoga Plan
$15/ drop-in
Here’s your chance to get out with your sweet one(s), to relax and connect to your breath, body and heart. This class is oriented towards pre- and postnatal mommas. Children 3 and under are joyfully welcome to come along: a nearby place to play will be created and facilitated by an older child or two. Please feel free to bring along an extra bla
nket for baby, toys or books that can be shared, and anything else that will make this a comfortable experience for all.
Postnatal Yoga Circle, 5:30-7pm
Communal Check-in 6:30-7pm
Prenatal Yoga Circle, 6:30-8pm
Price: Purchase a Class Pack , The Whole Pregnancy YogaPlan or The Postpartum Year Yoga Plan
$15/ drop-in
These two circles are designed to bridge between pregnancy and postpartum: a way to continue connecting to your community before AND after birth. Nurslings in arms welcome.
(Please be sure to get clearance from your care provider prior to practicing. Before that, you are always welcome to come and sit in circle with us free of charge. The circle is always open to you.)
(Please be sure to get clearance from your care provider prior to practicing. Before that, you are always welcome to come and sit in circle with us free of charge. The circle is always open to you.)
Why Prenatal Yoga?
…For your body:
- · learn to be in your body, using the breath to soften and yield to intense sensations
- · build strength for the good work of birth and motherhood
…For your mind
- · learn to quiet fearful thoughts and tune into the deeper wisdom of your body
- ·
…For your heart
- · Set aside time, sacred time, to connect to this sweet one, this new darling child
- · Check in with your sweet momma self and begin to get comfortable understanding and articulating your needs
…For community
- · Connect by sharing some of your story each week, listening and being listened to
- · Feel the ease of relaxing in circle with your other SisterMommas-to-be
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