Here we go!

Dear Community:


Welcome to this community of folks working to bring the best and most healing impulse to the Milwaukee birthing community.

Literally everything about this venture is forming/ gestating right now. But, here a is a landing place for now. You can also check out the Facebook page here.

Offerings will be posted here, but the calendar, for now, will be at the Facebook link. So, if you are looking for offerings like Herbs for Womb Care, Postpartum Support Group, Essential Oils for Pregnancy + Baby, the Momming MKE meet-ups and more, check there.

If you are interested in yoga for prenatal, postpartum, with your littles, for your 10-17 year old, and, eventually, for prenatal yoga teacher training (May 2018), here's your place.

Dear Ones, this is such a fruitful and exciting time! I can't wait to see the face of this beautiful being!



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